Neptune rocks!

Posted on December 12, 2004

I did it. G. convinced me to use his little C++ library called Neptune
for SNDK. I spent 2 weeks working on it and it’s now working “comme sur des roulettes”. I got to learn a lot about Neptune which is good since I will most likely use it at Intertrust. G. gave them a free license. Anyway, I tweaked it a bit , added a few cool stuff to it and fixed a bunch of bugs to my code as well. Since it’s compiling under .NET, the code is a lot smaller. The little device test is 2/3rd smaller. Gotta put that project a side for now. I got a lot to do at work. Maybe I’ll work on it in a few months. Although after seeing G. UPnP server in Java and how simple it is to write in Java, I can see myself giving up on C++ in the next few years. It’s insanely convenient as you become lazier with age.

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