meebo me widget!
Wow. I just found out about this awesome idea. The meebo me widget! The little IM thing on the top left on my site is a live IM widget. This means that if I am connected on meebo, you can chat live with me! Isn’t that cool??!? Now I just need to figure out html so that the widget doesn’t get refreshed everytime a link on the site is clicked because this causes the meebo widget to relogin.
Any idea how to do that? A frame?
The best thing is that even if I am not logged in, all IMs are stored on the backend and displayed once I log in. This is freaking awesome.
Except the meebo UI is really slow. This ajax thing needs optimization…
In any case, mark my words. This company is not backed by Sequoia Capital for nothing. This is huge. You can bet this is going to be on every MySpace page in no time.
How do I invest in this company !?!?
Update: The novelty faded and I decided to remove it from the page for now.
Update2: I found out today via Om Malik’s blog that this company, which does the same thing and even more, just got acquired by AOL.