Pluto Update

August 24, 2005 No comments yet

On a positive side, I have made quite some progress with Pluto over the last 2 months. Ok, what the hell is Pluto? Pluto is the new name for SNDK, my UPnP SDK I have been working on for the last 2 years (I think?). I renamed it that way because I am using G. Neptune library. I just finished the UPnP A/V Media Server Device. I should have the UPnP A/V Media Server Control Point done in a few days. After that, I am going to put it on SourceForge just like G. did with Neptune. The next step is to integrate it in XBMC.

Testing rss.ramaron

February 9, 2005 No comments yet

My little component runs great. Let’s see if I get notified via IM for this post …

Neptune rocks!

December 12, 2004 No comments yet

I did it. G. convinced me to use his little C++ library called Neptune
for SNDK. I spent 2 weeks working on it and it’s now working “comme sur des roulettes”. I got to learn a lot about Neptune which is good since I will most likely use it at Intertrust. G. gave them a free license. Anyway, I tweaked it a bit , added a few cool stuff to it and fixed a bunch of bugs to my code as well. Since it’s compiling under .NET, the code is a lot smaller. The little device test is 2/3rd smaller. Gotta put that project a side for now. I got a lot to do at work. Maybe I’ll work on it in a few months. Although after seeing G. UPnP server in Java and how simple it is to write in Java, I can see myself giving up on C++ in the next few years. It’s insanely convenient as you become lazier with age.

SNDK update

November 30, 2004 1 comment

Hello everybody!
OK it’s been a long long long loooong time that I haven’t posted anything. Big things are changing for me. First is that I am changing job. I am really psyched about that. I am so psyched that I have been going back to my little SNDK project! Remember how it wasn’t working on linux and I couldn’t understand why. Well people, it is FIXED! Thanks to a little help from G. and his Neptune guidance, I was able to find the source of my problems (and there were quite a few). Anyway, I think I have spent enough time on this for this week. My next step is to completely start from scratch and use G.’s Neptune library but that will take a while. Anyhow, look at this beautiful screenshot of my UPnP light device running on linux and being discovered by the Intel UPnP Device Spy on my XP box ;-)

Programming Metaphysical Thoughts

February 14, 2004 No comments yet

I know I am a geek because I finally found why I think programming is so amazing:” Software is a product of our imagination, like a book, a painting or a movie, designed to synthesize a particular representation of the real world. But unlike all other forms of pure art, software is constructed for utilitarian purposes to do more then merely reflect the real world; software interacts with the world and in many cases even controls it. And what is truly amazing — software is replicable: instantaneously, in arbitrary numbers, at zero cost! “

Slow progress …

February 8, 2004 No comments yet

Today I spent a few hours (3) on the control point. I changed a few things to be able to get the description from a device and parse it. I still can’t parse it somehow, I don’t know why. I spent also more time trying to figure out why this g**d*mn Device Sniffer from Intel is binding to port 1900 and send a Unicast SSDP M-SEARCH when i am running and not when Rhapsody is. It’s killing me. I looked at their stack line by line and I don’t see anything they do that I don’t do (in a different way of course)…It doesn’t really break me but it bugs me…

