Tonight I started writing a post about Windows Media Connect and these guys and how I think they managed to make an application that pretended to be Windows Media Connect on the Mac. I haven’t figured out how WMC works completely (yet) so don’t get your hopes up. However I have found out a lot about it a few months back. The only reason I did this was to figure out if I could stream from WMC to my PSP. So I assumed it was covered by the DMCA fair use but in absence of a lawyer I decided to not publish that post (yet)…
One thing for sure is that it’s a matter of time before WMC is reverse-engineered and cracked…
Thanks to Sean for pointing out this way cool service that tracks statistics about your blog/website. I think I’ll be way below 250,000 hits a month so I shouldn’t have to pay for a while. It’s really cool as I found someone who wrote a statcounter plugin for WordPress. No need to add the counter code to every page of my blog, the plugin does everything for me.
Anyhow, I am also trying out the trackback feature in WP. Sean, did it work?
I found a bug in WP with the url redirect if the user is not logged in, when hitting the bookmarklet. It’s doing a redirect to the login page and put the ‘existing’ url into a param called ‘redirect_to’ so that it can redirect back once the user is logged in. It urlencodes the url of course. Pb is that it’s not urldecoding it back, it is doing some weird char replacement instead (and removing % chars!). So what happens is that the rhaplink is all f***ed up. So I fixed it, the new php is here.
A little Kanye to prove it.
For some reasons, I just realized that when you click on a rhaplink in Firefox, it spawns Rhapsody on the Web instead of the Rhapsody 3.1 application. It works fine in IE. So I just launched my new favorite tool ethereal to see what was going on.
Apparently, it’s a cookie problem. Firefox doesn’t send all the cookies it’s supposed to (like the rhapsodyinstalled=versionXXX that the JSP looks for to figure out if Rhapsody application is installed on the PC and to decide wether to use Rhapsody on the web or redirect to a true rhap:// rhaplink to spawn the PC app).
That’s amazing this hasn’t been found in QA … I wonder if all the QA guys have left by now…
Ok, Adam was right! PHP rulez!
So I got MT Rhapsody blogging ‘working’ but I am using WordPress now so I was thinking, all I need to do is give Rhapsody a MT compatible bookmarklet but make it point to a ‘redirect’ php where I would parse the url params and rename them so that WP understands them.
Well Mesdames et Messieurs, it works like a charm.
Here’s the wp-redirect.php file. I have placed it there. All I had to do is change my MT bookmarklet url from this to this and all I can say is:
Yesterday, A. told me that there had been an update for Rhapsody with the Moveable Type blogging feature fix. So I decided to check it out. Well, it’s still not working. It’s better but still not working. It now opens up the pop-up JSP window fine but when hitting the Post button, we’re getting a nice javascript error (d not found). A little hack later, I was able to right click and view source on the javascript. Sure enough, the url that Rhapsody sent to the JSP is not properly parsed and still refer to a variable d (document) which is nowhere to be found since the javascript command has been stripped…
So, my MT bookmarklet was this.
All I had to do was remove the link_title value (it’s not being used by the server) from my bookmarklet and voila!
Of course, to try it, I had to turn back on my linux box here at home, reconnect my mouse/keyboard/monitor to boot it properly, swear a few times to find out after 1 hour that the stupid router somehow was not in ‘loopback’ mode so it was denying my request to go to … Anyways …
MT Blogging works again with this hack (until the JSP guys fix it but A. is on their case) … Well somehow it doesn’t work anymore, crashing in the MT db now .. so who knows .. not my problem as I am using WordPress now which I have to find a solution since it’s not supported by Rhapsody yet…