I did it !
I finally found the pb. I was just not sending the body of my event http request ! Well now it works a lot better ;-) .. Will post in a few to explain how to get my sample test…
I finally found the pb. I was just not sending the body of my event http request ! Well now it works a lot better ;-) .. Will post in a few to explain how to get my sample test…
After spending at lest 9h yesterday on events, I am getting frustrated, I have been looking all over the gena specs and can’t understand why the subscriber doesn’t respond to me when I send the initial event… Hopefully I’ll be luckier today or tomorrow … Meanwhile I improved the logging …
I know I am insane, I should be sleeping but I had to make that client task working. 2hrs later, I am now able to connect to Microsoft Corporation and get their home page in a non blocking task all asynchronous and shit… Now all that’s left to do is send the NOTIFY with events to subscribers and I should be fully compliant !!
After 3h of work, I am now listening to events subscribe and unsubscribe requests, however I still need to work on sending events now.. So I am not technically compliant but close … I wish I could put screenshots on this blog .. hmmm
Got an email from the swiss dude who interviewed for a director position at work. He thinks to think design should be simple…Hmm although I agree about all these nice ideas (rational blahblah), it really only looks nice on paper ;-)… Anyway, got some progress tonite (3 hours) and got basic validation for Control (although I am sure I am not 100% valid since the validator cannot test all possibilities if you don’t advertise all possibilities in your service / actions / variables). I started to work on Events and Subscribers to realize that I needed a client task now to connect to a server. Pb is that the connect action is blocking so I need to work on unblocking this which is possible but a pain in the b… I also started to add a sample Media Server instead of this limited Light Sample ..
SOAP actions are on their way (4hrs). I have basic control working although I am not 100% satisfied. I am not sure how to relate to stateVariable properly …