SNDK update
Hello everybody!
OK it’s been a long long long loooong time that I haven’t posted anything. Big things are changing for me. First is that I am changing job. I am really psyched about that. I am so psyched that I have been going back to my little SNDK project! Remember how it wasn’t working on linux and I couldn’t understand why. Well people, it is FIXED! Thanks to a little help from G. and his Neptune guidance, I was able to find the source of my problems (and there were quite a few). Anyway, I think I have spent enough time on this for this week. My next step is to completely start from scratch and use G.’s Neptune library but that will take a while. Anyhow, look at this beautiful screenshot of my UPnP light device running on linux and being discovered by the Intel UPnP Device Spy on my XP box ;-)
Dec 01, 2004
Uh, c’est quoi le SNDK, et c’est quoi UPnP?
Serieusement, quoi de neuf? Tu changes de boulot? Tu changes de boite??? Puisque tu as un blog, tu devrais l’updater un peu plus souvent. Tu sais je suis impatient de voir ce qui t’arrive! A part ca, tout va a peu pres bien de notre cote. Est-ce que vous allez en France pour Noel? De notre cote, rien de bien nouveau. J’ai ecrit un mail a Kelly et je donne un peu plus d’info la-dedans. A+